NEN 7510

NEN 7510 (derived from ISO 27001) is a standard that deals with information security within the healthcare sector. This standard states how you can deal with the security of information in a process-oriented way, with the aim to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information for the responsible care of patients within an organisation.

  • Quick scan

    A quick scan is a way of researching in which only one or two easily measurable subjects are addressed. You decide which question you want answered and together we determine the type of quick scan that fits your question.

  • Internal audit

    You can also outsource the internal audits you have to perform as a certified organisation. Benefit from the proficiency of an experienced Lead Auditor to examine your management system.

  • Practice audit

    Your certification will begin shortly, but are you really ready for it?
    A surveillance audit helps you find out if your management system is ready for certification. I check whether the mandatory documents are present and complete. In addition, I ensure that your organization is prepared for the certification audit.

  • Certification audit

    Olthof Support is qualified as an auditor to certify you against these standards. The certificate is issued by the CI, our auditors take care of the audit.